Friday, October 24, 2014

YOU Make Me Happy

What made my dear departed Sister-in-Law, Audra, happy (more than anything else) were here husband and four beautiful children.  I spent a couple hours on the phone with her hubby, Rob, this morning.  He SO misses her touch, the smell of her hair, and the feel of her hand in his while they'd fall asleep.  I wish so desperately that I could take away their pain, but I cannot.  Only time and the all-sufficient grace of God can heal their broken and hurting hearts.  But because Audra's family made her so very happy, I will keep them close always.  I've decided that I will be sending each of the kids a card once a month with a little something tucked inside.  This card will go to Audranna.  She just learned to roller skate this summer, so I thought this card would put a smile on her sweet little face.  I want so desperately to be a good Auntie; and to be the kind of support to these precious children that would make Audra happy.  I want to honor her life, and keep her memory alive ALWAYS!
Audranna also asked me if I would buy her a pair of pink sparkly tennis shoes.  Oh boy!  I'm on the look-out for a pair of Size 5 pink sparkly tennis shoes.  And by golly, I will find them for her.  We had so much fun playing Red Light/Green Light and Hide & Go Seek outside while I visited for the funeral.  They help keep me young, and I'm so blessed to be a part of their lives.
I'm sharing my card in the following challenges:
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenges - Simon Says "Get Crafty and Use Kraft" -  so I used a kraft tag and a kraft base card.
Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenges - Simon Says "Anything Goes"

Party Time Tuesdays - Anything Goes
Thanks so much for visiting, and have a blessed week!

P.S.  Before I run off, let me show you this HUGE bolt of cream colored stretchy lace I got at a rummage sale for just $5.  There must be 100 yards or more on this bolt.  I'm willing to give some away.  If you live in the United States and would like a few yards, please email or message me your address and I will send you some.  I couldn't use this much lace in a lifetime.  If you live outside the continental US and would like some, I would just need to charge you a small amount to cover the shipping.  Just let me know.  I'm happy to share!


  1. What a precious card for your niece. I know that you will be a blessing to the children. You are so in tune with God's directing you; there are going to be many ways you can show your love and His love to them.

  2. What a beautiful card for a youngster missing her mother - and what a devoted Aunt you are. Be encouraged, as these acts will count so much in their young lives as milestones to be enjoyed when they are older.

  3. Oh, my heart hurts with yours. I'm sure your family feels comforted to have an aunt like you - loving and caring for them!

    BTW -- Isn't it so much FUN to find supplies at the thrift store for a little bit of nothing!!

  4. Oh my Goodness - I cannot believe you got so much of the lace - Looking forward to receiving mine - this is the best lace ever! I could never find it here in Michigan - thanks so much for offering this Karen - this is the greatest lace ever!!

  5. So sorry to hear of your sister-in-law's passing, Karen. You will be a brilliant Auntie to the children and I'm sure that they will adore you always. Good luck in your tennis shoe hunt :o)

    The card is gorgeous
    Margaret xx

  6. Oh, I really like the Kraft journal spot. very cute card too.

  7. Praying God will give you exactly the right things to do and say to be a blessing to Audra's sweet children. This card is precious...I can see how a child's face would light up when receiving this in the mail.

    Congrats on your great yard sale find and on your position with Really Reasonable Ribbon. Enjoy those blessings~

  8. That is a good idea. This card is so pretty. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!!


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