Saturday, May 25, 2024

FUN Pastels w/Penguin Palace Stamps

Let me first say that I absolutely LOVE Penguin Palace Stamps and all their sweet products.  I found this amazing store quite by accident, but I'm sure glad I found them.  I reached out to the Owner of Penguin Palace Stamps, and she was gracious enough to sponsor us over at Word Art Wednesday for the last couple years now.  When I started looking around in the Penguin Palace Shop, I was delighted.  I knew right away that I wanted (" to get some of these delightful stamps and goodies for my very own.
I used cardstocks and the amazing Fancy Hearts & Scalloped Dynamite Border Dies to create the pretty frame.  On the inside layer, I used white cardstock that I inked with Stormy Sky (top) and Mowed Lawn (bottom) Oxide Inks.  All the darling images can be found in the My BFF Stamp Set.  That also includes the sweet sentiment that I stamped at the bottom of the card.
I tied a bow using Green & Cream Gingham Ribbon.  Everything else (other than that and the cardstocks) are from Penguin Palace.  They even have a FUN challenge where you can play along for a chance top WIN some Penguin Palace goodies of your very own.  They are located in Canada for those of you who live up in "The Great White North" as they say.  Take off!
Thanks so much for stopping by to visit me again.  Your stops here always mean the world to me and I really appreciate hearing your thoughts on my card.  Be sure to check out this fun challenge, the Word Art Wednesday Challenge and ALL the fun challenges out there in blog land.  I'll see you there.

Here's where I'm playing along:
Penguin Palace Stamps Challenge Blog - Challenge #37 - Pastel Mood Board - I used the Fancy Hearts & Scalloped Dynamite Border Dies and the My BFF Stamp Set to create my card.  i just love the pretty pastels, so I tried to incorporate these soft tones into my color choices.
Krafty Chicks Challenge - Challenge #717 - All Occasions - My card today is to celebrate and thank a good friend for being SO special.

Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge - Simon Says "Fur or Feathers" - This card features FUR with those adorable kitties who are having so much fun.

TIME OUT Challenge Blog - Theme: Magical - Challenge #264 - This card has MAGICAL fun happening with the sweet kitties coming to life, playing together under their magical rainbow, and taking care of the baby kitty. lol

What are you creating today?  Make something magical.



  1. Wow Karen, this is so pretty. Love that pink border, that is so pretty with the multiple layers to it.

  2. Your card is love, but i am still fighting to get my blog back I'm calling HP tomorrow all of the cards are so beautiful..

  3. Cute card and love the scalloped border. Thanks for playing with us at Time Out.

  4. So cute! So glad you stumbled upon Penguin Palace!! Thanks for playing along with the Penguin Palace Challenge! :)


Thanks for your comments. They mean so much to me.